
  • High speed digital p...

    Based on FPGA+DSP architecture,this high-speed digital processing module uses FPGA of V5...

  • Microwave frequency ...

    XMTXA2305  2~18GHz Frequency sourceMain specifications Outputfrequency:2~18GHz Step:...

  • High speed acquisiti...

    The product range coversmainstream high-speed pipeline ADC products of main ADC chip manu...

  • M3023 clock synchron...

    M3023 clock synchronization device is a high-precision,high reliability and universal syn...

  • PMH301 home video s...

    As a key part of smart home, PMH301 home videosurveillance system plays an important role...

  • V5C three-proofing d...

    Panda V5 mobile data access gateway (three-proofingencrypted 3G mobile video monitoring t...

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